Thursday, February 9, 2012

Brunei Prayer Times in Google public calendar

This is the google calendar for you to subscribe

This is how I put everything together using ms-excel and ms-access:-
  • download: brunei prayer times.xls.xls, brunei prayer times.accdb and an example of .csv file from this link -
  • source for prayer time is from
  • copy and paste the data (on monthly) to excel (i.e. brunei prayer times.xls), put additional columns for month and date (highlighted in yellow).
  • then copy the whole data and paste in ms-access table called Sheet1 (i.e. brunei prayer times.accdb), remember to delete the table Sheet1 before paste.
  • run query "z paste this query for google calendar output" and copy the data and paste it to excel and save it as .csv file (i.e. a.csv), import in google calendar